RPCh vs VPN / Proxy

Unlike proxies or VPNs, RPCh is the only solution that provides actual privacy for your wallet.

VPN/Proxy vs RPCh Beta

VPNs/Proxies are centralized solutions with limited privacy offerings when compared to even a feature incomplete version of RPCh: RPCh Beta.

RPCh Beta
  • Centralized – have to trust the VPN/Proxy provider not to harvest or abuse your data
  • Decentralized with layered encryption – only you can correlate your IP address to your request/response; no other intermediary or entity
  • Data is easily distinguishable to an observer
  • Data is segmented and formatted into standardized Sphinx packets making them indistinguishable to an observer
  • Only one intermediary making it easy for an observer or the server (RPC provider) to link it to the client
  • Data is routed through an entry/exit node instead of a single proxy
  • Usually static, with even dynamic VPNs/Proxies being very limited in their range and rotation rate
  • Dynamic routing with each individual request receiving a different combination of entry/exit nodes; imagine a VPN/Proxy that changed more than ten times a second
  • Centralized – have to trust the VPN/Proxy provider not to harvest or abuse your data
  • Data is easily distinguishable to an observer
  • Only one intermediary making it easy for an observer or the server (RPC provider) to link it to the client
  • Usually static, with even dynamic VPNs/Proxies being very limited in their range and rotation rate
RPCh Beta
  • Decentralized with layered encryption – only you can correlate your IP address to your request/response; no other intermediary or entity
  • Data is segmented and formatted into standardized Sphinx packets making them indistinguishable to an observer
  • Data is routed through an entry/exit node instead of a single proxy
  • Dynamic routing with each individual request receiving a different combination of entry/exit nodes; imagine a VPN/Proxy that changed more than ten times a second

VPNs/Proxies vs feature complete RPCh

A more feature-complete version of RPCh provides privacy and security in metrics that VPNs/Proxies don’t address at all.

RPCh Feature Complete
  • No protection against data tampering
  • Light client verification to protect against data tampering and maintain response integrity
  • No protection against traffic analysis
  • Packet mixing and background noise to obscure traffic movement completely
  • No protection against data tampering
  • No protection against traffic analysis
RPCh Feature Complete
  • Light client verification to protect against data tampering and maintain response integrity
  • Packet mixing and background noise to obscure traffic movement completely
